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Showing posts with the label SCIENCE

Can Black Fungus infect people with no Covid? | Knowledge Hub

Why it occurs in Covid-19 patients?  Mucormycosis or Black Fungus can happen any time after COVID-19 contamination, either during the clinic stay or a few days two or three weeks after release.   "The COVID-19 causes positive change in within milieu of the host for the growth and the clinical treatment given, incidentally also abets parasitic turn of events. Covid hurts the flying course mucosa and veins. It also causes augmentation in the serum iron which is crucial for the organism to create.  Prescriptions like steroids increment glucose. A wide range of anti-infection agents clears out the possibly pathogenic microscopic organisms as well as the defensive commensals. Antifungals like Voriconazole restrain Aspergillosis however Mucor stays sound and flourishes because of the absence of rivalry.  Long haul ventilation lessens immunity and there are theories of the fungus being communicated by the humidifier water being given alongside oxygen. All the above ma...

What is Mucormycosis? Its Effects and Causes in 2021

 What is Mucormycosis? Mucormycosis which is also known as " black fungus " is a type of fungal infection  that is known to be quite rare that is caused by mucormycetes . Mucormycetes are a group of fungus/molds that are present in the environment like soil, plants, and decaying fruits and vegetables which are responsible for the black fungus infection. Mucormycetes, the group of parasites that reason mucormycosis , are available all through the environmental factors, outstandingly in soil and in relationship with rotting natural matter, similar to leaves, manure heaps, and creature compost. They're extra normal in soil than in air, and in summer and fall than in winter or spring.  2-4 a large portion of individuals are accessible contact with minuscule vegetation spores consistently, along these lines it's no doubt impractical to completely abstain from returning tuned with mucormycetes. These growths aren't unsafe to a large portion of individuals. In an...

What is Nuclear Fusion and Fission? | Knowledge Hub

What are Nuclear Fusion and Fission? Before heading to know about Nuclear Fusion and fission first let's understand the concept of Nuclear Energy . What is Nuclear Energy? It is the form of energy formed or obtained due to nuclear transformations (changes) in a radioactive substance. It is common to have a loss in mass of the radioactive substance during this process (Nuclear Transformation) which results in the formation of energy and this energy is called Nuclear energy . Thus, it can be said that nuclear energy is produced by the conversion of mass into energy with the help of Einstein's mass-energy relation ΔE =  Δmc 2  , where c = the velocity of light in a vacuum. What is Nuclear Fusion? It is the process of combining two light nuclei into a heavy nucleus along with a massive release of energy is known as Nuclear Fusion.  In this process, a small difference in the mass between reactant and product takes place, this difference in mass converts into nuclear...

What is black fungus? | Symptoms | Knowledge Hub

Black Fungus: Mucormycosis is a type of fungal infection that is known to be quite rare, but apparently, it is being reported by the doctors in Indian hospitals that Mucormycosis disease is being found in Covid-19 patients. This disease is alternately also called " Black Fungus ".  On Thursday 20 May 2021, the Government made it compulsory for Indian states for reporting those cases in order to initiate IDSP ( Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme ).  Mucormycetes are a group of fungus/molds that are present in the environment like soil, plants, and decaying fruits and vegetables which are responsible for the black fungus infection. Dr. Nikhil Tandon said, this mucor also spreads through the air, but healthy people would not be caused any problem by it. Although it can also even enter our lungs the chances are very low.  This disease has some bad effects on those people suffering from breathing problems at their lungs and the peoples having medicines for differe...

Why is the Sky and ocean Blue? | knowledge Hub

Have you at any point asked why the sky seems, by all accounts, to be blue? Generally, people can't tell the appropriate answers to these questions as it is more likely to be scientific, so it is a bit a sort of difficult but here I'll be giving you the exact answer to this question on a common and simple level without diving deep into scientific terms which will make it easy for you to understand as well as also to share with others about this topic. Now you won't be hesitating while answering these questions. Why is the Sky Blue?  The Sky happens to be blue due to a phenomenon called Scattering of light . When the light enters the Earth's Atmosphere, it is scattered in different directions by the gases existing in the atmosphere along with the contribution of the particles present. The lights emitted by the sun though appear to be white in colors, but are actually made up of all the particular rainbow colors that we see when a rainbow generally occurs.  All these diff...

What is Sputnik V vaccine ? | Features | Knowledge Hub

What is Sputnik V? Sputnik V is the first C0VID-19 vaccine in the world to be authorized for use, developed by the Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology in Moscow (RUSSIA). The V in the name stands for vaccine. This vaccine is also based on a modified version of the common cold virus and has the efficacy rate of 91.6%. This is a two-dose vaccine which uses two different adenoviruses at each of the dose. One of the best benefit of adenovirus vaccines is that it is not required or compulsory to store and transport them in very low temperatures.   The vaccine was approved  for distribution in Russia initially, and then was followed my several other countries. Distribution in huge numbers of the vaccine began at the month of December 2020 in various countries such as Russia, Belarus, Serbia, Argentina, Hungary and the United Arab Emirates. Till February 2021, as a result,  nearly a billion of doses of the the vaccine Sputnik V had been ordered Globally. What is the ...

What is COVID-19| Symptoms | Knowledge Hub

The COVID-19 pandemic had resulted in making a loss of unpredictable numbers of Human life Worldwide and now it has become a great challenge to peoples all over the world. Due to this, almost every country had faced economic problems, a huge number of people are at the risk of falling into the poverty line.  Most of the people have no way or source for their income during the period of lockdown, especially the ones who are under the informal sector of employment such as laborers, domestic workers, street vendors, etc. They are in a state of not able to feed themselves and their families. For many of them the same principle applies i.e. 'No source of Income Means no foods to feed', hence, a question arises that how those peoples are handling the situation.  What is COVID-19 disease? COVID-19 disease is an infectious disease that is caused by a virus which is recently discovered and it is also called CORONAVIRUS.  Generally, the people infected with this disease are expecte...

How are human babies born? Knowledge Hub

  TOPICS COVERED:- (1) HOW ARE BABIES BORN? (2)HOW DOES FERTILIZATION OCCUR? (3)WHAT HAPPENS TO THE FERTILZED EGGS CELL? (4)WHAT DETERMINES WHETHER A BABY IS A BOY OR A GIRL? (5)HOW DOES THE BABY BREATHE IN THE UTERUS? (6)WHY ARE SOME BABIES DISABLED AT BIRTH? How are babies born? When a man and a woman have sex, the erect penis of the male is inserted into the vagina of the female. The sperm cells of the male are ejaculated into the vagina of the female. If an egg cell has been released in the ovary at that time, it may get fertilized by the sperm and the woman may become pregnant. The baby develops in the woman's uterus for about 40 weeks, till it is developed enough to be born. Usually, babies are born healthy, but sometimes they may be born with a disability. How does fertilization occur? After a man and a woman have had sex, about 300 million sperm cells are present in the woman's vagina. The sperms swim forward with the help of their tail with a common aim: to fertilize t...

Changes at Puberty Stage - Boys and Girls | Knowledge Hub

What is Puberty? Puberty is the interaction of actual changes through which a person's body develops into a grown-up body equipped for sexual multiplication.  It is started by hormonal signs from the cerebrum to the Gonads: the ovaries in a young lady, the testicles in a young man.  Puberty is an essential and common stage to which every boys and girl have to face. It is the initial stage towards becoming a mature and normal adult.                 What are the Changes at Puberty stage?   Puberty starts at concerning eleven or twelve years older for women and around thirteen years for boys. This can be a part of the development within which the body and also the mind bear an amendment.  Our body changes at puberty stage and can be recognized by the Growth of spurts, beginning of the assembly of sex hormones, women face their 1st period, and boys face the breaking of their voices. Boys and Girls begin discovering thei...